Thanks for visiting this website. As well as giving an overview of a different technique each week I usually give a short presentation that will introduce to you an art historical term or two, the work of an artist or the history behind a particular material. Nothing too long, but it's a good way of giving people a break and people generally find it quite helpful. For more check out my other website I also have another wordpress blog which contains information related to my past experiences as a tutor and some of the artists I've found and hope you will find inspirational I'll also be posting some stuff here so keep popping back every couple of weeks and I'll try and get some new stuff for you to look at.
You've found the blog for the Paint and Draw Bristol and Bath art classes for adult beginners that are run by Will Stevens. We'll be running classes near you again soon and you can find out more if you click here. Meanwhile read on for advice about art materials drawing techniques and the great works of art out there there that you can enjoy
Will StevensWill Stevens has taught beginners classes in Bristol for 25 years now He has also taught privately on a one to one basis, at residential homes , the University of Bristol Arts Society the Sky Arts Den at the Bath Literary festival. (You can see some pictures on the gallery page) He's given drawing tips to Laura Rawlings on her afternoon radio Bristol show and most recently given a talk on Ipad painting to the Clifton Arts Club in Bristol. For some comments about Will and his friendly, teaching style have a look at the testimonials page. Archives
July 2022
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